Jan 31Liked by Heather Yalin

I LOVE this post! It resonates deeply. Thank you for sharing your heart, including your doubts. I especially love this line, "don’t let the culture of mommy complaining deter you from approaching your holy work with ever greater love and enthusiasm." I hear complaining with every mommy gathering I attend, and some of the complaining comes from me! Ha! I've noticed this for some time now, but it has been difficult to shift into a space of gratitude. For me, that resistance stems from feeling overwhelmed. When I remove items from my "to do list," I enjoy my kids and I enjoy being a mommy. In fact, it brings me the most joy I've ever known. But I struggle with keeping my plate light.

I've also realized that I set the tone, like you said. For me, this begins with loving and accepting myself, which will help me remove items from my plate because I won't be seeking external validation. Consequently, I have begun saying to myself throughout the day, "I approve of myself." I'm starting there and building from that foundation. It felt difficult to say when I started a few days ago. But it's becoming easier and I'm beginning to believe it. I also say it out loud for my kids to hear so they will also absorb that energy and apply it to their own lives.

Thank you for another great post! I love your stories and insights!

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Thank you for this share! I approve of myself. I believe in myself. I love myself. Beautiful to hear how you deepen your self-love in this way.

Overwhelm is one of my go-to emotions as well. It happens when I'm not grounded and running around without accessing inner stillness. As mamas, there is a lot to keep up in the air. The more we can be in the moment and remember this is the sacred work, the more we move outta the overwhelm, because we're more and more able to trust the divinity in what is (rather than push it away to what we think we'd rather it be.) It's a practice!

Thank you so much for sharing a piece of your practice and reflections in this space.

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